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Apple Annoys iPhone 5s and Earlier Users With Full Screen Ad When Accessing ... - BizTek Mojo
Dec 11th 2015, 19:33

BizTek Mojo

Apple Annoys iPhone 5s and Earlier Users With Full Screen Ad When Accessing ...
BizTek Mojo
Apple Annoys its consumers by pushing their own full-screen ads for the iPhone 6s. The full-screen ads show only on iPhone 5s or earlier devices. It shows the iPhone 6s with links below the image where an unsuspecting customer could learn more about ...
Owners of older iPhones are being served iPhone 6s pop-up ads inside the App ...Phone Arena
Apple sneaks iPhone 6s ads into the App StoreTechnoBuffalo
Apple urging iPhone upgrades with App Store adUSA TODAY
Apple Insider -International Business Times -WCCFtech (blog)
共有 262 篇相關新聞 »

苹果5s报1699促销苹果iPhone 5S白菜价 - 电脑之家
Dec 11th 2015, 13:24


苹果5s报1699促销苹果iPhone 5S白菜价
iPhone 5S首次采用64位苹果A7处理器,并内置M7协处理器,使它的运行非常出色。依旧使用前置120万摄像头和800万像素的背照式镜头,但是像素方面有所提升。支持10张连拍,以及Slo-Mo慢速摄影功能。机身背部首次设有白色和 ...
秒杀官翻机苹果iPhone 5S行货报1699元IT168
共有 471 篇相關新聞 »

64位A7处理器苹果iPhone5S现货1680元 - 中关村在线
Dec 11th 2015, 11:23

(中关村在线江苏行情)苹果iPhone5s是苹果公司推出的一款性能优质的经典热卖机型,在iPhone6上市后,该机的价格也更具性价比,苹果iPhone5S在与iPhone5的外观保持基本不变的同时,将处理器升级为64位架构,对其他硬件 ...

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苹果5s最低售价iphone5s只需1699元 - 南方网
Dec 11th 2015, 08:34


苹果iPhone 5S配备了一个全新的800像素主摄像头,光圈f2.2,传感器面积比之前iPhone 5上的大了15%,这个和诺基亚Lumia 1020摄像头的有效像素面积相同。iPhone 5S还具备类似诺基亚手机的防抖功能,可通过连续拍摄多张 ...

共有 2 篇相關新聞 »

购机好时节苹果iPhone5S江苏1880! - 泡泡网
Dec 11th 2015, 00:34


【12月11日 PCHOME南京分站】苹果 iPhone 5S配备了一个全新的800像素主摄像头,光圈f2.2,传感器面积比之前iPhone 5上的大了15%,这个和诺基亚Lumia 1020摄像头的有效像素面积相同。iPhone 5s还具备类似诺基亚手机的防 ...
实体店分期更放心iPhone 5S南宁2680元中关村在线
电脑之家 -和讯网 -汉丰网
共有 268 篇相關新聞 »

10 Things to Know About the iPhone 5s iOS 9.2 Update - Gotta Be Mobile
Dec 10th 2015, 19:52

10 Things to Know About the iPhone 5s iOS 9.2 Update

Adam Mills12/10/2015

The iPhone 5s iOS 9.2 update is here and it brings some major changes to Apple’s aging former flagship. In this roundup we’ll take you through all of the important iPhone 5s iOS 9.2 update details including problems, the best features and more.

Apple’s iPhone 5s iOS 9.2 update was originally confirmed all the way back in October. The first iOS 9.2 beta arrived just a few short days after Apple pushed out the iPhone 5s’ first milestone iOS 9 upgrade, iOS 9.1.

Earlier this week, without warning, Apple pulled the iOS 9.2 update from beta and released it for iPhone 5s devices around the world. If you own an iPhone 5s, iOS 9.2 is waiting for you Over-the-Air in Settings or in iTunes.

The iPhone 5s iOS 9.2 update is the second major iOS 9 update for the device and as such it brings several important changes. The iOS 9.2 change log includes security patches, numerous bug fixes for iOS 9 problems and some changes to Apple Music, Podcasts and more.


iOS 9.2 didn’t get a lot of attention in the buildup to its release date but now that it’s out, it should definitely be on your radar.

Today we want to take you through the most important things to know about iOS 9.2 if you’re an iPhone 5s user. This guide delivers tips, fixes for iOS 9.2 problems, and more.

iPhone 5s iOS 9.2 Performance

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Now that the iPhone 5s iOS 9.2 update's been out for a couple of days, we're seeing feedback about its performance emerge. Unsurprisingly, results have been mixed.

We've been using the iOS 9.2 update on an iPhone 5s for a couple of days now and we haven't run into any major problems with battery life, connectivity, or app performance. We've noticed a little bit of keyboard lag and some Control Center lag but that's the extent of our problems thus far. Others are seeing the same.

While we, and others, have run into some hiccups, we haven't heard about or seen any major problems with the iOS 9.2 update. So if you're already on iOS 9, you'll want to take a long hard look at the iOS 9.2 update.

If you aren't on iOS 9, or you're simply feeling nervous, wait a few days for the smoke to settle. Major problems typically emerge within a few days of the release. 

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6 Responses

    1. 12/10/2015 Dexter Reply

      I upgraded from 9.1 to 9.2 this morning and boy do I regret it! My battery is draining like crazy, even with minor usage. Easily four or five times as fast.

    2. 12/10/2015 mackabieviper42 Reply

      Apple always says they fix the bugs on iPhone 5s well they didn’t fix any of bugs on my 5s it still does the same thing as it did at the beginning of the 9’s I don’t know if I want put the iOS 9.2 plus now they keep asking for my apple password they keep asking me to put iOS 9.2 on my 5s since yesterday they getting too dam pushy

    3. 12/11/2015 Nick Reply

      My iPhone 5s is best it has ever been on 9.1, the battery life was terrible when I got it at launch, couldn’t get past mid day and I had to use one of those giant battery cases for two years. Since upgrading to 9.1 its been like a new phone, I can easily get through till mid afternoon or even all day if I’m not using it too much with a full charge, just as well because it wouldn’t accept the battery after the update ;-)

      Question, can you downgrade again if you back up?

    4. 12/11/2015 Shital Reply

      I am using iphone 5S. My touch id is not working after upgrading to ios 9.1 and now 9.2 is also not helping to troubleshoot this problem :(

    5. 12/11/2015 Dexter Reply

      Nick, if I were you I’d just stick with 9.1 unless you have any problems with it that 9.2 is supposed to fix. If not just stick with it. From what I’ve seen 9.2 is aimed at people with the newer iphones.
      And you can go back to 9.1 after upgrading, there are instructions on this site and lots of others on the interweb.

    6. 12/11/2015 Cheryl Sidwell Reply

      What happened to my Webroot???? I don’t want to go through Google

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