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官翻不如新机苹果5s iPhone5S售1699 - 泡泡网
Dec 8th 2015, 18:58


官翻不如新机苹果5s iPhone5S售1699
苹果 iPhone 5S(16GB)手机现在在手机市场上依然很优秀,当然在性能方面也做出了更大的更新的处理,处理器升级到了64位A7,内存升级为LPDDR3,相当出色,更加引人注目。目前【PChome电脑之家推荐经销商“果粉数码商城 ...
等待苹果7 苹果5s iPhone5S特价报1680元中关村在线
TechWeb -和讯网
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Offerte iPhone 6, iPhone 5S e iPhone 5C, prezzo piu basso dicembre 2015: novita da Apple per i melafonini e sconti store online per Natale - Centro Meteo Italiano
Dec 8th 2015, 16:13

Centro Meteo Italiano

Offerte iPhone 6, iPhone 5S e iPhone 5C, prezzo piu basso dicembre 2015: novita da Apple per i melafonini e sconti store online per Natale
Centro Meteo Italiano
Insomma, è possibile fare bella figura senza svenarsi: andiamo dunque a vedere come procurarci i vari iPhone 6, iPhone 5S o iPhone 5C e le migliori offerte con il prezzo più basso in rete a dicembre 2015. Partiamo proprio dall'iPhone 5C: il melafonino ...

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Apple solves iPhone battery woes with new Smart Battery Case -
Dec 8th 2015, 09:22

Apple solves iPhone battery woes with new Smart Battery Case
You've been able to get third-party battery cases for the iPhone for a long time now, but Apple has finally decided to step into the battery case game itself. It has launched its own slim case for iPhone 6S and iPhone 6 smartphones. The Smart Battery ...
Five battery packs to buy if you don't fancy Apple's Smart Battery CaseMobile Choice
Apple debuts Smart Battery Case for iPhone 6s, extends life up to 25 hoursApple Insider

共有 342 篇相關新聞 »

苹果手机最新报价16G美版iPhone 5S报价 - 电脑之家
Dec 8th 2015, 09:04

苹果手机最新报价16G美版iPhone 5S报价
近日上市的新iPhone因分别采用了三星与台积电代工厂制造的A9芯片,在续航、性能上被曝出有很大差异,由此引发的“芯片门”备受关注。而最近的iPhone5S的价格更是优惠的让人心动。目前【PChome电脑之家推荐经销商“米米乐 ...

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