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Apple shares new Guided Tour video highlighting Apple Pay on iPhone 6/6s - 9 to 5 Mac (press release)
Nov 20th 2015, 23:03

9 to 5 Mac (press release)

Apple shares new Guided Tour video highlighting Apple Pay on iPhone 6/6s
9 to 5 Mac (press release)
Apple today has shared a new Guided Tour video to its YouTube channel that highlights Apple Pay on the iPhone. Apple has previously shared a Guided Tour showing off Apple on the Apple Watch, but this is the first video in which Apple has demonstrated ...
Apple iPhone 6 vs. Apple iPhone 6s: New iPhone Looks the Same, Adds Some New ...Latin Post
Most of America's 100M+ Active iPhones Are on iPhone 6 or LaterHacked
61% of U.S. iPhone users have 6 series models - AAPLInvestor's Business Daily
Bidness ETC -Twice -Neowin
共有 65 篇相關新聞 »

STUDIO A 2015 線上資訊月iPhone 8千有找 - ePrice 比價王
Nov 20th 2015, 11:43

ePrice 比價王

STUDIO A 2015 線上資訊月iPhone 8千有找
ePrice 比價王
2015 資訊月將於11/28~12/6 盛大登場,STUDIO A 除了將在現場祭出好康外,也宣布即日起至11/30 在《STUDIO A 行動商城》APP 舉辦線上資訊月,包括iPhone、iPad 和MacBook 電腦等Apple 福利品現省1 萬5 千元,並首度推出最新iPhone 6s、iPhone 6s Plus 整新 ...

更多 »

果粉還敢買嗎?你的玫瑰金iPhone 6s可能是iPhone 6改的! - XFastest News
Nov 20th 2015, 11:00

果粉還敢買嗎?你的玫瑰金iPhone 6s可能是iPhone 6改的!
XFastest News
iPhone 6s儘管在外觀上與iPhone 6上不變,但玫瑰金、3D Touch和Live Photo等特徵的加入,成為一般消費者分辨兩者的根據。可在不久前iOS 9被越獄後,出現了3D Touch的模擬軟體,在iPhone 6也能展示出相似度極高的3D Touch功能,雖然和iPhone 6s的真3D ...

美iPhone活躍用戶超1億2/3為iPhone 6或更新 - 鉅亨網
Nov 20th 2015, 07:49

美iPhone活躍用戶超1億2/3為iPhone 6或更新
11月20日消息,根據Consumer Intelligence Research Partners(以下簡稱CIRP)最新公佈的數據顯示,截止至2015年第三季度末,美國市場總共有超過1億的活躍iPhone用戶,其中,三分之二的為iPhone 6或更新款手機。 根據統計顯示,在這1.01億的活躍用戶中, ...

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