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iPhone5S特价2100元苹果6S行情火爆 - 泡泡网
Oct 19th 2015, 11:19


苹果手机一直都是市场的风向标,苹果iPhone 5S是一款相当经典耐用的手机,其不仅采用了全金属的机身设计,并且也是首款搭载指纹识别传感器的手机,不管是手机解锁还是微信、支付宝的支付转账等均能轻松完成。目前 ...

iPhone 5s For Sale: Top 6 Places to Get Apple's Old Flagship for Cheaper - Latino Post
Oct 19th 2015, 10:08

iPhone 5s For Sale: Top 6 Places to Get Apple’s Old Flagship for Cheaper

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HONG KONG - SEPTEMBER 20: The new iPhone 5s displayed inside Apple's store in Causeway Bay district on September 20, 2013 in Hong Kong, China Hong Kong was one of the first places in the world where can purchase the new iPhone 5s and iPhone 5C models (Photo by Lam Yik Fei/Getty Images) (Photo : Getty)

Compiled below are six retailers selling Apple's iPhone 5s at a lower price this month, as reported by TechRadar.

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16GB iPhone 5s 16GB (Gold) - Sprint ($409.99)

16GB iPhone 5s Gold SIM-Free Smartphone - Unlocked for All Networks - ($429.99)

16GB iPhone 5s - spacegrey (EU UK) - ($819.00)

Check out more Amazon deals on TechRadar.


16GB iPhone 5s in Gold, Space Grey, and Silver: buyers can bypass the £50 upfront fee with the voucher code TECHRADAR5S; comes with 2GB data, 1000 minutes, and unlimited texts. This has a total cost of £599.76 for over 24 months, TechRadar wrote.

32GB iPhone 5s in Space Grey: £36.99 per month totaling at £837.76 for over 24 months; comes with unlimited calls and texts, and 5GB of data.

32GB iPhone 5s in Space Grey and Silver: £49.99 per month totaling at £999.76; comes with unlimited calls and texts, 20GB of data, and a £200 cashback.


16GB iPhone 5s in Space Grey and Gold: £30 per month totaling at £648 for over two years; comes with unlimited calls and texts, and 2GB of data.

32GB iPhone 5s in Gold and Silver: £44 per month totaling at £1,056 for over 24 months; comes with unlimited calls and texts, and 10GB of data.

32GB iPhone 5s in Space Grey, Silver, and Gold: £35 per month totaling at £1,205.99 for over 24 months; comes with unlimited texts and 1000 minutes, and 1GB of data.


16GB iPhone 5s in Space Grey, Silver, and Gold: £35 per month totaling at £840 for over 24 months; comes with unlimited texts and 600 minutes, and 4GB of data.

32GB iPhone 5s in Space Grey, Silver, and Gold: £39 per month totaling at £936 for over 24 months; comes with unlimited texts and 600 minutes, and 4GB of data.

32GB iPhone 5s in Space Grey, Silver, and Gold: £45 per month totaling at £1080 for over 24 months; comes with unlimited texts and 600 minutes, and unlimited data.


16GB iPhone 5s in Space Grey and Silver: £31 per month totaling at £744 for over 24 months; comes with unlimited calls and texts, and 3GB of data.

32GB iPhone 5s in Space Grey and Silver: £39 per month totaling at £936 for over 24 months; comes with unlimited calls and texts, and 5GB of data.

32GB iPhone 5s in Space Grey and Silver: £49 per month totaling at £1176 for over 24 months; comes with unlimited calls and texts, and 10GB of data.

Other UK Deals

16GB iPhone 5s in Gold, Space Grey, and Silver on EE: £24.99 per month totaling at £599.76 for over 24 months; comes with 1000 minutes and unlimited texts, and 2GB of data.

32GB iPhone 5s in Space Grey on EE: £36.99 per month totaling at £837.76 for over 24 months; comes with unlimited calls and texts, and 5GB of data.

32GB iPhone 5s in Gold, Space Grey, and Silver on Three: £45 per month totaling at £1,080 for over 24 months; comes with unlimited texts, 600 minutes, and unlimited data.

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中國買氣好旺!iphone 6s兩個禮拜售出近700萬台 - 數位時代
Oct 19th 2015, 09:50

中國買氣好旺!iphone 6s兩個禮拜售出近700萬台

撰文者:曾靉 發表日期:2015/10/19

蘋果iphone 6s到底賣的好不好?據蘋果公司給出的數字,自9月25日開賣短短三天便突破了1300萬台,比去年的1000萬台略勝一籌。但去年是未列入全球最大手機市場中國的成績,今年中國市場的iphone 6s買氣熱不熱烈?遂成了大家更加關心的重點。

答案是,看來中國市場對iphone新機頗為買單。據外電《The Telegraph》報導,根據中國數據公司TalkingData日前釋出的新一波統計,從9月25日開售至10月11日,iPhone 6s在中國市場已經有超過700萬部iphone被啟動(activated),其中約有550萬台iPhone 6s、163萬台iPhone 6s Plus,顯示銷售進度依舊十分火熱。

另外,根據TalkingData統計,在中國所有iOS設備當中,以iPhone 6最受到中國果粉的歡迎,達到23.8%,其次是iPhone 5S的18.8%,iPhone 6 Plus以16.9%位居第三。iPhone 6S表現不錯,上市不到一個月,已經衝進前10名,目前名列第8位,所占比重約為1.8%。




正如庫克曾說,iphone在中國市場有極大的潛力,也成了支撐蘋果銷售量、股價的一大支柱。上市近1個月,蘋果將中國市場列為首發的初試啼聲看來回饋頗佳,但iPhone 6s後勢是否仍看漲?尤其身為全球最大的手機市場的中國,在今年8月也出現了4年來的首度衰退,顯示要站穩中國市場,蘋果未來或許得更費點力。隨著蘋果本月底將釋出第四季財報與iPhone銷量,也許屆時就能看到更清楚的輪廓。

1. 為中國市場放棄新聞自由?蘋果限制自家新聞服務遭用戶反彈
2. iPhone再創銷售記錄,3天賣出1300萬台!台灣10月9日開賣

《科技》不甩「晶片門」,iPhone 6s賣到翻 - 中時電子報
Oct 19th 2015, 07:50


《科技》不甩「晶片門」,iPhone 6s賣到翻
Apple經銷商STUDIO A本月9日開賣iPhone 6s、iPhone 6s Plus,吸引不少果粉漏夜排隊搶買,加上恰逢國慶連假,銷量再創新高,首賣一周銷量約比上一代進階版iPhone 5s增加4倍,STUDIO A分析發現,此次中國大陸雖被列為首賣國家,但因受到匯差與稅額影響, ...
另類伴手禮?iPhone 6s 台灣便宜賣強國人瘋狂搶購!自由時報電子報
陸客搶買STUDIO A:iPhone6s銷量增4倍中央通訊社
價差達4000元陸客陸生在台搶買iPhone 6Syam天空新聞

共有 12 篇相關新聞 »

苹果手机iPhone5S美国多少钱 - 搜狐
Oct 19th 2015, 06:12

  苹果手机iPhone5S美国多少钱?先说裸机,以16G版本的iPhone 5S为例,苹果发布会上公布的$199是两年合约机的价格,裸机价格在苹果官网有公布:$649,约等于3971元。国内裸机价格则为5288元。但是,美国的649是不含税价格,国内的5288元是含税价格。美国各州消费税率不同,一般在5%到9%之间,所以总价约为$4170-$4330。没错,这个价格仍然比国内便宜将近1000元。


  “小明在美国要想买合约机iPhone 5S,于是他掏了$199买了一个黑色的16G合约机,但这仅仅是开始,此时他需要额外交纳$15的激活费和7%的税,总计$227.93。然后他面临的是一份两年的运营商合约。以Verison为例(其他的如AT&T和Spring也都差不多),每个月的通话费套餐在$20到$40左右,数据通话费强制要求最少2G流量的套餐,价值$20,也就是说每个月的话费总额为$40~$70,这样两年算下来他单话费就要交$960~$1680,加上之前的单机费用,这两年期间他一共要花费 $1187.93--$1908.93,合人民币7270.13~11676。大家觉得便宜么……”

  中国联通刚刚公布了iPhone 5S的合约计划,这里可以进行一个对比,以两年期586元套餐为例,0元购机,预存5499元话费,每月返还229元,两年共计花费为14067元。





  严格来说,Time is money,预付费还是不太划算。不过话又说回来了,谁让苹果是人家美国的公司呢? true GMAT考试 report 1361 苹果手机iPhone5S美国多少钱?先说裸机,以16G版本的iPhone5S为例,苹果发布会上公布的$199是两年合约机的价格,裸机价格在苹果官网有公布:$64

苹果iPhone5S报价2100 苹果6C上市时间 - 电脑之家
Oct 19th 2015, 05:05

苹果iPhone5S报价2100 苹果6C上市时间

CBSi中国·PChome | 责编: 广州分站 2015-10-19 13:00:00
苹果iPhone6S上市以来,苹果5S的价格也在不断下降。尤其是美版5S,更是低至2100元。目前【PChome电脑之家推荐经销商“广信手机专卖(全国货到付款)”手机:15627426359  联系QQ客服525306967】处有现货,促销2100元,官方配置:内置原装电池+一充电器+数据线+耳机+包装说明书。若需要可以和商家联系。







[产品型号] 苹果5S  美版
[产品价格] 2100元
[商家名称] 广信手机专卖(全国货到付款)
[咨询电话] 15627426359
[联系Q Q]  525306967
[商家地址] 广东省深圳市福田区远望手机市场
[交易方式] 支持实体交易 网上交易顺丰包邮 全国货到付款服务现货销售(验完货满意后再付款,安全又放心)                              


小编提醒: 网购有风险,请网友使用支付宝等担保支付方式进行交易,本站提 供的信息,均可进行淘宝在线交易,或者货到付款,请网友 不要轻信任何人先打款后发货的非担保交易方式进行交易。请大 家保留好有效的交易记录、通信记录、 QQ记录等,以便维护自己的权益!一旦发生纠纷请拨打投拆电话:13763330274(此电话为投诉专用,不接受产品价格等咨询,不含节假日)。  







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