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懷舊情意結!超任遊戲盒帶型iPhone 保護殼可自定遊戲封面 - Unwire
Sep 25th 2015, 12:01

懷舊情意結!超任遊戲盒帶型 iPhone 保護殼可自定遊戲封面


九月 25, 2015 • 手機配件

作為 iPhone 用家的確是比較幸福,因為不少廠商經常都會推出各種保護殼,有比較多款式可選擇,而且當中亦不乏一些與遊戲相關的保護殼。比如最近有廠商就推出了一系列以超任作為主題的 iPhone 保護殼,喜歡懷舊的遊戲迷不妨考慮一下。

有別於常見以遊戲手掣作為主題的 iPhone 保護殼,今次這批保護殼的設計靈感反而是來自超任的遊戲盒帶,而且有關產品更並非粗製濫造,皆因整個手機殼不論外型、用料及紋理等都是根據超任遊戲盒帶設計出來,外型相當獨特。當然作為一個保護殼,它有齊防止刮花及耐撞等功能,並且採用了超薄一體式設計,並不會為手機增加太多重量。

與此同時,既然這款保護殼是以超任遊戲盒帶作為題材,那麼「盒面」上當然不會缺少遊戲封面。而為了加添獨特性,官方更會提供各款不同遊戲封面,比如有《Super Mario Kart》、《惡魔城 XX》、《洛克人 X》及《Chrono Trigger》等著名作品,買家只需在購買之前講明想要哪款遊戲封面便可。

至於價格方面,該款 iPhone 保護殼每款只售 19 美元(約 147 港元),並會推出多款不同機種的版本,適用於 iPhone 6、iPhone 6 Plus、iPhone 5、iPhone 5s、iPhone 5c、iPhone 4s、iPhone 4 及 iPod Touch 等,比較可惜的是暫時未見有 iPhone 6s 及 iPhone 6s Plus 的版本(留意兩款新 iPhone 的厚度比上一代增加了 0.2mm,所以舊款保護殼未必適用),不過相信廠商應該很快便會推出吧?

來源:Custom Cases

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Tags: iPhone, 超任


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「S代」沒那麼殺了蘋概股有紅有青 - 聯合新聞網
Sep 25th 2015, 07:15


iPhone的「s代」產品近年銷售力道逐漸減弱,許多消費者都將「s代」當作升級版,如果軟硬體功能沒有太大改變,果粉大多觀望以對。 市場普遍預期,iPhone 6s系列產品銷售走勢將會與iPhone 5s雷同,再開賣第1季達到銷售高峰之後,開賣進入第2個季度之後,銷售量就 ...

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质感金属流畅不过时iPhone 5s售2050元 - 电脑之家
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质感金属流畅不过时iPhone 5s售2050元
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iPhone 5s iOS 9.0.1 Update: 10 Important Details - Gotta Be Mobile
Sep 24th 2015, 22:49

iPhone 5s iOS 9.0.1 Update: 10 Important Details

Adam Mills09/24/2015

The iOS 9.0 update is only a week old but it has already been replaced with something new. Yesterday, Apple rolled out an iOS 9.0.1 update and today we want to take a look at the most important things to know about the iPhone 5s iOS 9.0.1 release.

In September, Apple’s confirmed three iOS 9 updates. The first, the iOS 9.0 update that rolled out last week with new features, enhancements and fixes for a long list of devices including the iPhone 5s flagship from 2013.

The second update is the iOS 9.1 update that’s currently in beta. The iOS 9.1 update will be the company’s first milestone iOS 9 release and it’s shaping up to be an exciting upgrade for all iOS 9 users.

The third iOS 9 update is the iOS 9.0.1 update that pushed out to the iPhone 5s and other devices out of the blue on September 23rd. The iOS 9.0.1 update isn’t as big as iOS 9.0 or iOS 9.1 but it’s an important update nonetheless.

Instead of new features, the iOS 9.0.1 update brings bug fixes for iOS 9 problems including an issue that prevents alarms and timers from going off. It’s an update that some iPhone 5s users have installed and one that others will discover in the days ahead.

As we push away from the release date, we’re starting to get a better read on the most important things to know about the software. With that in mind, we want to take a look what we think iPhone 5s users need to know about the iOS 9.0.1 release.

Keep these in mind as we march into October towards the iOS 9.1 release.

iPhone 5s iOS 9.0.1 Performance

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The iPhone 5s iOS 9.0.1 update is now 24 hours old and so far, we haven't seen or heard about any catastrphoic or widespread issues plaguing the iPhone 5s' performance.

Battery life checks out, connectivity (from our limited testing) is working fine, and we haven't run into any problems with applications though we've heard that some people are having problems with app updates and the App Store. It's about the same as iOS 9.0

While our iPhone 5s iOS 9.0.1 update is performing nicely, results have been mixed for other users, and that's why you really need to dig in to decide if the iOS 9.0.1 update, and its fixes, are necessary for you. 

Some places to look include YouTube, Apple's discussion forums, and Apple-centric sites like MacRumors forums. Dig into feedback and then make a decision. The iOS 9.0.1 isn't going anywhere.

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Adam is an editor based in Los Angeles, California who loves his iPhone 6, iPad Air and Samsung Galaxy S6. You can follow him on Twitter or on Google+. You can reach him by email at [email protected].

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