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Apple iPhone 5s: Is it Good Enough in 2015? - AndroidOrigin
Aug 18th 2015, 17:40

Best things come in small packages, or so they say. The iPhone 5s, one of the best 4 inch phones out there goes on to prove that saying even in 2015 where phones are encroaching on the phablets category, and phablets are touching the tablets category. Size does matter, but there’s more to the iPhone 5s than just size.

Launched in 2013, Apple was still being criticized from many quarters for sticking with a small 4 inch display when the world (and Apple’s users) was moving on to bigger 4.7-5.2 inch displays. Apple used the iPhone 5s to refine the iPhone 5 – iteration has been one of the core philosophies of Apple’s products for a long time now. This new and improved iPhone 5s was an instant hit with smartphone users across the world, setting new pre-order and sales records for Apple. Apple continued to dominate the smartphone industry profits, mopping up a majority of it despite having only a handful of phones to sell.

Fast forward to 2015, and you will find it absurd that the iPhone 5s is still being called a very good phone. The iPhone 5s is no longer the flagship, and the current flagship, iPhone 6, is about to be replaced as the flagship by the iPhone 6s in September. So why am I going on and on about the iPhone 5s being a good phone in 2015, given the fact that it is soon going to be the third in Apple’s iPhone ranks? Hear me out.

The price

One of the biggest arguments in favour of the iPhone 5s in 2015 is the price. With the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus scheduled to be launched in a month from now, the iPhone 5s price has seen a decline in the wake of the expected launch. The official price starts at $99 on a two year contract. This may still sound a bit higher, and that’s probably understandable. There are better deals and discounts all around though, so if you are looking for a great budget phone, you have an option.

In a way, 2013 was a great year for phones – my Nexus 5 is still an extremely capable phone. The iPhone 5s further shows that a capable phone need not cost a lot in 2015.

iOS 9

Apple is continuing to work hard on improving iOS. Launched with iOS 7, the iPhone 5s is currently on of iOS 8.4, with Apple aiming to release iOS 9 in the coming weeks. Looking at the amazing track record of Apple in upgrading as many phones as possible, you can look at iPhone 5s buying options without a doubt in your mind.

Apart from performance improvements and new features, iOS 9 is also going to improve the battery efficiency by a great amount, so that is one more thing you can look forward to.


I think that the iPhone 5s is one of the most well designed phones even in 2015. The industrial design with a combination of glass and metal is tough to top even by Apple’s own standards. Looks may not matter as much as the specs and other features, but having a phone that be used with a single hand and comes with good looks is a bonus you won’t come across as often.

Touch ID

Apple introduced Touch ID with the iPhone 5s, adding another layer of security and ease of access. Improving your user experience while improving security as well, the iPhone 5s fingerprint sensor is extremely accurate as well. Not having to worry about remembering your passwords or screen lock pins and patterns is quite important, given the fact that phones are unlocked scores of times these days.

Battery Life

Even though it’s nearly two years old, the iPhone 5s has held up very well. With Apple optimizing its own chips, seeing a two year old phone perform like a champ with its relatively smaller battery is an enviable feature that most Android phones lack. While we wait for the battery technology to improve, the iPhone 5s battery life is only going to improve even more with iOS 9.

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Aug 18th 2015, 10:49


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Aug 18th 2015, 01:05


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