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Cinque ragioni per non installare iOS 8.4.1 su iPhone 5, 5S e 4S - OptiMagazine
Aug 16th 2015, 09:08


Cinque ragioni per non installare iOS 8.4.1 su iPhone 5, 5S e 4S
iOS 8.4.1 è stato da poco rilasciato, e vi state chiedendo se è giusto o meno aggiornare iPhone 5, 5S e 4S? Una domanda, questa, più che lecita, che merita una risposta ben ponderata. A seguire vi elenchiamo i cinque motivi che dovrebbero esortarvi a ...

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iPhone 7 price and release date: latest rumours -
Aug 16th 2015, 07:07

iPhone 7 price and release date: latest rumours
The last models, the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, were announced on September 9 2014, the iPhone 5s and 5c on September 10 2013, and the iPhone 5 on September 12 2012. According to BuzzFeed, Apple is planning to hold this year's event during the week ...
Release Date For iPhone 6s AnnouncedThe Inquisitr
Apple iPhone 6S launch could be on September 9: reportThe Indian Express
Video: iPhone 7 concept imagines a sleek future for Apple's iPhonesBGR
Christian Post -Bidness ETC -Network World
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