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Should iPhone 5s Owners Update To iOS 8.1? - The Inquisitr
Nov 6th 2014, 02:20

The Inquisitr

Should iPhone 5s Owners Update To iOS 8.1?
The Inquisitr
Apple released the latest update to iOS on October 20 with the promise of numerous bug fixes. If you've already installed iOS 8 on your iPhone 5S, you can take a look at Apple's full update log, which address a dozen different fixes, including video ...
iOS 8.1 on iPhone 5: Is It Worth Installing Now?Gotta Be Mobile
iPhone 5S vs iPhone 6 specs comparison: How much upgrade was integrated in ...ChristianToday
iPhone 6 Review: The Most Appealing iPhone EverNDTV
The Fuse Joplin -News On 6 -Forbes
共有 211 篇相關新聞 »

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Nov 5th 2014, 12:09


iPhone 5S在外观上与iPhone 5基本一致,并配备四核A7处理器,基于28nm工艺制程。内置1GB运行内存,800万后置摄像头,带来指纹识别、双LED补光灯等更新。配备了4寸屏幕,分辨率1136×640像素,运行iOS7系统,用户有128GB容量 ...

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